The Certification Programs in “ILLAFTrain of Trainers” provides you with the tools necessary for you to be very distinctive in your field of training and human resources development, and make the companies and decision-makers know that you possess real experiences that help to develop the current work environment. “ILLAFTrain of Trainers” grants you the capacity, credibility and confidence to become a worldwide performance contributor in your company and the training world.
Moreover, “ILLAFTrain of Trainers” provides five levels of certification to professional trainers, and these levels require the attendance of the most attended and distinctive training courses in the training sector.
Join now more than 1000 trainers that obtained the highest certifications in the training career.
Specialization Certificate
Certified Professional Trainer
Certified Master Trainer DIPLOMA
Certified Expert Trainer DIPLOMA
Certified Consulting Trainer DIPLOMA
First Phase: Specialization Certificate
You can start from here to proceed successfully as a Certified Training Designer, Certified Trainer, Certified Training Manager, Certified Performance Consultant or Certified Speaker:
You can choose 10 training days of five areas of specialization.
Determine the area in which you want to specialize, or the specialization you care about and think corresponds to you (such as: Trainer, Training Designer, Speaker, Training Manager or Performance Consultant), then choose the courses you want through the courses’ matrix (they shall be in the same specialization column while paying attention to the fact that some mandatory courses in each column have * sign), then attend these courses depending on the time and location that correspond to you. At the end of ten training attendance days, you will receive the Specialization’s Certification (for example: Certified Training Manager or Certified Trainer…).
Second Phase: Certified Professional Trainer
Develop your skills and master them professionally.
Choose 10 additional training days so that the total becomes 20 training days.
After receiving the specialization certificate (certified training designer, certified trainer, certified training manager, certified performance consultant or certified Speaker) you might want to attend additional courses to further develop your professional skills, or in order to meet your developmental needs. Choose the courses you want to attend and complete ten additional training days so that the total of what you have attended from the courses’ matrix reaches twenty training days and you become a Certified Professional Trainer.
Third Phase: Certified Master Trainer DIPLOMA
Get the essential level of the professional skills as a trainer.
Choose 15 additional training days so that the total becomes 35 training days.
Many trainers are interested in continuous learning and are not content with the training they have received, and complete an additional fifteen days so that the total becomes thirty days, therefore you receive a certificate of Certified Master Trainer which is the essential base for a successful trainer in the training field.
The Fourth Phase: Certified Expert Trainer DIPLOMA
Get the skills of experts in the training field.
Choose 15 additional days so that the total becomes 50 training days.
The Fifth Phase: Certified Consulting Trainer DIPLOMA
Get the highest level of professional skills as a trainer.
Choose 20 additional days so that the total becomes 70 training days.