Certified Consultant Trainer Diploma

Course Code CCT

Duration 42 Days / 380 Hours

Fees 18850$


When a sector is immersed with many so-called “training experts”, the companies and the other institutions requiring training will need to feel confident that the trainer with which they want to deal possesses knowledge, values and skills necessary for their success. “ILLAFTrain of Trainers” helps to guarantee that the trainer has achieved the standards necessary for the success of the company’s professional development, and that he can offer what he claims he is able to offer.

“ILLAF Train of Trainers” offers a training course for Certified Consulting Trainer in order to supplement the training market with the best trainers possessing the necessary knowledge and skills provided by this course.

  • The course is characterized by the practical interest that enables the trainer to acquire the skills necessary to become a Consulting Trainer with high level of visual and practical knowledge and performance.
  • The model of the trainer’s merit in this course is an extension of the merit model relevant to the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction IBSTPI
  • In this course, a practical application of at least 250 techniques of the Accelerated Learning techniques is performed.
  • Not only one trainer leads the course, but at least four leaders that are available throughout the course.
  • The course is delivered under the supervision of professional trainers at the Middle East and North Africa level.
  • The trainees receive the training material in a TEXT format.
  • Each trainee will deliver (at least) forty presentations, in which he adopts specific methods in determining the course’s objectives, design, presentation, assessment and applying all the visual material on the ground.
  • The training groups are composed of at most seven trainees, under the supervision of a leader trainer; therefore, there will be a greater focus on each trainee.
  • The trainees are assessed according to the trainer assessment model composed of 20 points. These points are registered in the computer for analysis purposes, and this is performed daily for all trainees.
  • The graduates of this course have the right to obtain the certified trainer membership features in ILLAFTrain and take advantage of their unique features.
  • This course differs from the rest of the courses because its graduates would really become Certified Consulting Trainers.

Who is this program for?

This course was prepared for both new trainers and professional trainers, as well as human resources managers, learning institutions’ administrators and all those who are interested in learning, education and training. Its main objective is to prepare the trainers to become professional trainers by training them face-to-face, training them within small training groups and under the supervision of specialist trainers.

Program’s objectives

At the end of this program, each trainer will be able to:

Click on the title to display the details.

Train of Trainers (TOT1)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Apply the foundations of Accelerated Learning.
  2. Apply the adult learning principles.
  3. Write learning objectives.
  4. Formulate training benefits.
  5. Begin the course with high influence using McClelland's theory.
  6. Attract the attention and interest of participants.
  7. Choose the learning techniques and present them.
  8. Deliver presentations.
  9. Develop exercises and manage them.
  10. Obtain feedback and present it during the progress of the learner in the learning process.
  11. Summarize the training and enhance its transfer to practice.
  12. Employ effective speaking skills.
  13. Apply the non-verbal communication principles.
  14. Improve the use of voice skills.
  15. Improve body language skills.
  16. Build familiarity with learners.
  17. Distinguish between listening skills.
  18. Motivate the learners.
  19. Enhance participation and cooperation in learning.
  20. Use the group learning activities.
  21. Ask and answer questions appropriately.
  22. Handle wisely the learners’ problems and other cases.
  23. Deal with his tension and control it.
  24. Analyze his learning style according to VARK.
  25. Establish an effective relationship with learners.
  26. Modify his learning style when necessary.
  27. Lead the discussion in class.
  28. Manage the class time effectively.


Train of Trainers - Advanced (TOT2)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Use learning contracts.
  2. Use similes and metaphors.
  3. Write the learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy.
  4. Develop activities and exercises using Accelerated Learning techniques.
  5. Support the practice of new skills by learners.
  6. Distinguish among the components of vocal diction.
  7. Distinguish among the components of body language.
  8. Distinguish between the responsibilities of the moral speaker and the listener.
  9. Develop gestures.
  10. Motivate the learners.
  11. Develop distinctive friendly relations with learners.
  12. Create a learning process full of fun.
  13. Create a healthy learning environment.
  14. Make the course enjoyable for learners.
  15. Analyze his learning style according to Kolb.
  16. Modify his learning style when necessary.
  17. Distinguish between the basic capacities of each learning style.
  18. Strengthen the learning styles skills.
  19. Handle the tension resulting from work and prevent fatigue.
  20. Keep the group in a healthy state.
  21. Lead the groups and their discussions skillfully.
  22. Interpret the non-verbal messages.
  23. Employ non-verbal expressions techniques.
  24. Run dialogues with learners.
  25. Deal with resistance.
  26. Prevent the emergence of problems.
  27. Deal with difficult learners.


Essential Skills in Instructional Design (TOD1)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Design the training based on the learning strategy composed of seven basic steps.
  2. Use the four-phase learning cycle in design.
  3. Apply the Accelerated Learning foundations to design professional courses.
  4. Apply the sixteen-step design system model.
  5. Distinguish between training, education and developing.
  6. Analyze the learners to determine the course’s content.
  7. Plan for learning design projects.
  8. Collect tasks’ lists.
  9. Arrange work tasks by priority.
  10. Analyze the tasks to determine the course’s content.
  11. Identify the restrictions affecting the course design.
  12. Write the four-component learning objectives.
  13. Write the course objectives based on performance.
  14. Design tests and exercises in order to assess the performance.
  15. Design activities before the course and after it.
  16. Choose the most appropriate learning techniques.
  17. Determine the organization and “flow” optimized for the content.
  18. Develop the course’s materials (i.e. the learning plan, the manual).
  19. Verify the accuracy of the course design.
  20. Distinguish between Kirkpatrick's four assessment levels.
  21. Assess the extent of the session’s effectiveness.
  22. Formulate a post-training plan.
  23. Apply the Adult Learning principles.
  24. Work with experts.


Advanced Skills in Instructional Design (TOD2)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Implement the seven-step “learning strategy” in all the materials, to ensure a well-built course.
  2. Distinguish between the three parts of Merrill's component display theory.
  3. Describe the content-performance matrix (Clark’s matrix).
  4. Prepare delicate strategies and presentation types.
  5. Apply Reigeluth’s Elaboration theory and cognitive zoom principle.
  6. Link the best learning techniques to the content and to the learners’ needs.
  7. Design the course using the Accelerated Learning foundations.
  8. Design interactive “lectures”.
  9. Design “discussions” that result in active participation.
  10. Design the learner’s pre- connecting tools.
  11. Design clear and purposeful “presentations”.
  12. Design realistic “case-studies”.
  13. Design “behavior modeling”.
  14. Design realistic practical exercises.
  15. Design learning “games”.
  16. Design realistic “simulation” techniques.
  17. Design the “role-playing” method.
  18. Design the collective “review” method effectively.
  19. Design a performance assessment paper as a guide for learners while committing errors in performance.
  20. Design the “summarization” needed to enhance learning.
  21. Design the feedback.
  22. Choose the most effective feedback method for the lesson.
  23. Describe the test conditions and plan for it.
  24. Distinguish between the three basic types of tests.
  25. Design the written tests, multiple-choice tests, true/false tests and the open-ended questions tests.
  26. Describe the three critical factors in testing good performance.
  27. Design the “performance” checklist.
  28. Choose the best organization for the lessons’ plans.
  29. Design the course based on the adult learning principles.
  30. Design the activities that the learner should perform after the program for support.
  31. Summarize and enhance the transfer to practice.
  32. Verify the validity and effectiveness of the materials and methods.
Professional Skills for Speakers (TOS1)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Employ effective speaking skills.
  2. Meet the five needs of audience.
  3. Deal with six special speaking cases.
  4. Attract the audience by using seven sentences indicating their interests.
  5. Improve the skills of the use of voice.
  6. Improve the body skills in speech.
  7. Formulate an effective introduction and conclusion.
  8. Build familiarity with learners.
  9. Use twelve techniques to build self-confidence for being a speaker.
  10. Prepare speech by using simple steps.
  11. Analyze the audience before, during and after training.
  12. Motivate learners by using simple techniques.
  13. Distinguish between the five most commonly used communication levels. 
  14. Describe the eleven most important factors affecting the way the individual receives a message and understands it.
  15. Describe the most efficient seven-factor communication model.
  16. Distinguish between the three types of noise in the hall, and deal with them.
  17. Describe the responsibilities of the moral speaker and listener.
  18. Increase participation and cooperation among learners.
  19. Apply the principles of non-verbal communication.
  20. Enhance participation and cooperation in learning.
  21. Divide the speech into main ideas.
  22. Use the “4S,s Strategy” in developing main ideas.
  23. Avoid plagiarism.


Professional Skills for Speakers- Advanced (TOS2)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between the three influence models and others.
  2. Use the three-level pyramid of persuasion.
  3. Design persuasive speech that influences the audience’s positions.
  4. Design to push the audience to change its behaviors.
  5. Design inspiring speech.
  6. The six strategies for persuasive speech.
  7. Establish three types of speaker credibility.
  8. Design four techniques to enhance the emotional appeal in persuasive speech.
  9. Motivate learners.
  10. Develop distinctive friendly relations with learners.
  11. Introduce a learning process full of fun.
  12. Refute the discussions in four smart steps.
  13. Design the arguments’ models: by using an example, analogy, cause, deduction, or authority.
  14. Avoid the discussions’ fallacies.
  15. Design persuasive speechs by using Monroe's motivated sequence.
  16. Interpret non-verbal messages.
  17. Employ non-verbal expression techniques.
  18. Run dialogues with learners.
  19. Distinguish among the vocal speech components.
  20. Distinguish among the body language components.
  21. Distinguish between the moral speaker and listener’s responsibilities.
  22. Develop gestures.
  23. Improve the listening level in an advanced manner.
  24. Provide criticism and deal with it professionally.
  25. Modify the voice effect in order to enhance the meaning of the message professionally.
  26. Use gestures and movements to enhance your message.
  27. Using the debate style smoothly.
  28. Design using the techniques of “the problem and its solution” and “the need and the plan to meet it”.
  29. Attract the audience’s attention using seven brief techniques.
  30. Deal with resistance.
  31. Prevent the emergence of problems.
  32. Deal with difficult learners.



Consultant Skills for Trainers (TOC1)

At the end of this Training Program each Trainee will be able to:

  1. Recognize Factors which make the Consultant a Great Person
  2. Discover Challenges the Consultant will Face
  3. Determine the Consulting field to Specialize in
  4. Determine the Consultancy Skills the Consultant needs
  5. Evaluate your Consulting Efficiency
  6. Determine Consultant Skills and Knowledges
  7. Recognize Consulting Models
  8. Use The ITOT’s-D Consulting Model™
  9. Compare between 5 Consulting Models
  10. Determine when to start
  11. Determine how to Build and Sustain Rapport with Client
  12. Determine if the Client is ready or not
  13. Plan for Contract Meeting to decide starting point with Client
  14. Recognize various types of Pricing Structure
  15. Recognize Data Collection Standards
  16. Choose suitable Data Collection Method for your project
  17. Set up Exploratory Meeting with Client
  18. Make an effective Interview
  19. Determine the Factors influencing Work Performance
  20. Conduct an Affective Meeting to Evaluate Feedback
  21. Conduct Commitment Meeting to determine next Steps
  22. Design and apply Solution in effective way
  23. Determine Goals & Strategies
  24. Progress Monitoring
  25. Apply Final Check
  26. Conduct Debriefing Meeting
  27. Evaluate Consulting Services
  28. Create Important & Distinctive Strategic Plan
Market Yourself as a Consultant (MYC)

At the end of this training program each trainee will be able to:

Necessary Basics

  1. Recognize factors which make the consultant a great person
  2. Discover the challenges the consultant will face
  3. Describe where he/she is when it comes to an emergency
  4. Discover the importance of planning and its steps


  1. Determine the consulting field to specialize in
  2. Recognize the most lucrative fields of consulting
  3. Determine the geographical areas to work in
  4. Decide how much he wants to make annually
  5. Recognize various types of available pricing structure
  6. Think about how to price in order to bring value to the work
  7. Prepare a pricing plan
  8. Recognize essential principles of planning
  9. Create a unique promotional mix
  10. Write marketing goals
  11. Apply SOWT.
  12. Create a vision and mission as a consultant


  1. Build credibility as a consultant
  2. Answer the six questions about preparing for consulting services marketing
  3. Set up a multi-step plan for a marketing campaign
  4. Understand clients’ purchasing factors
  5. Understand the four elements the marketing materials should have
  6. Determine potential marketing consultancy services
  7. Understand the harm of not spending money on marketing strategies
  8. Understand three ways to increase consultancy sales
  9. Understand the critical things to offer an effective price
  10. Take advantage of social media in marketing
  11. Establish a bright personal brand online


  1. Create an important & distinctive strategic plan
  2. Determine the top ten time-wasting mistakes
  3. Understand the 4 strategies to avoid symptoms of consultancy building syndrome
  4. Apply physical health plan.
  5. Determine and work on opportunities
  6. Understand the five steps for dealing with customer challenges
  7. Prepare monthly and weekly calendar
  8. Improve own self-capabilities in weekly manner
Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

At the end of this training program, each trainer will be able to:

  • Perform the four steps of the training needs’ analysis process.
  • Verify the readiness of the staff to conduct a self-evaluation.
  • Look for people with extensive ties throughout the company.
  • Identify when training is needed and when it is not.
  • Isolate training problems from other problems.
  • Determine the cost and the benefits resulting from training.
  • Find variations rapidly and easily.
  • Analyze performance during work.
  • Deal with training demands.
  • Design interviews and perform them.
  • Plan for surveys and conduct them.
  • Determine performance problems and opportunities.
  • Verify the reasons for the performance problems.
  • Analyze the economic feasibility.
  • Calculate the training cost and its return.
  • Calculate the return on investment.
  • Write the final report addressed to the administration.
  • Deal with tight deadlines and according to the budget and the staff.
How Adults Learn (AD)

At the end of this program, each trainer will be able to:

  1. Apply Lindeman’s five key assumptions.
  2. Distinguish between the six assumptions of the pedagogic model.
  3. Distinguish between the six assumptions of the andragogy model.
  4. Commit to Rogers’ guidelines to help the adult facilitator in the course of his duty.
  5. Use the quintet matrix to diagnose performance problems.
  6. Implement the eight phases necessary to prepare the learning contract.
  7. Distinguish the competencies that the adult facilitator must possess.
  8. Implement a questionnaire by the adult’s self-learning style.
  9. Submit solutions to the twelve training problems that face beginner trainers.
  10. Use a model to develop the effectiveness of the staff at work.
  11. Increase the practice of content to the fullest extent possible.
  12. Encourage learners to participate and be engaged at work.
  13. Present the aimed feedback.
  14. Increase the attention span.
  15. Motivate learners.
  16. Encourage fun and a passion for work.
  17. Distinguish the learners’ learning styles.
  18. Choose his style and modify it.
  19. Implement nearly twenty tips to deal with anxiety.
  20. Maintain his energy with adults.
Training Evaluation (TE)

At the end of this training program, each learner will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between Kirkpatrick's four evaluation levels.
  2. Determine who takes responsibility for training evaluation.
  3. Use more than twenty lists to help in training evaluation.
  4. Push the administration to participate in taking responsibility for the evaluation.
  5. Use twelve forms to help in training evaluation.
  6. Verify the statements’ validity and accuracy.
  7. Determine the base performance and the expected performance.
  8. Write the evaluation’s objective, with its main components.
  9. Prepare the evaluation plan.
  10. Use guidelines to create an evaluation related to the group learning.
  11. Design methods for evaluating the results or the return on investment.
  12. Design methods for the application evaluation.
  13. Design methods for the learning evaluation.
  14. Design methods for the reaction evaluation.
  15. Determine the tangible and intangible evidence of the employee’s improved performance and its impact on the institution.
  16. Test the performance level measurement and the prior and final knowledge level measurement.
  17. Analyze the tangible and intangible evaluation statements.
  18. Isolate variations from the rest of the variations.
  19. Calculate the return on investment.
  20. Analyze the application statements.
  21. Analyze the learning statements.
  22. Analyze the reaction statements.
  23. Distinguish the available training evaluation options.
  24. Write a detailed evaluation report convincingly.
  25. Distinguish the trainer’s total responsibilities in addition to the training evaluation.
Coaching Skills for Professional Trainers (TOCo1)

At the end of this training program you will be able to:

  1. Recognize Coaching and its benefits
  2. Recognize the 4 steps Coaching Map
  3. Recognize the differences between Dialogue and Discussion
  4. Discover 4 Steps model to support Coaching Discussions
  5. Recognize how credibility is important
  6. Recognize & follow Moral Guidelines
  7. Evaluate Client Readiness
  8. Build necessary Rapport for Coaching
  9. Conclude Official and Unofficial Coaching Agreements
  10. Recognize Data Collection Sources and Methods
  11. Help the client to Identify current & future situation
  12. Help the client to set measurable goals
  13. Help the client who is stuck
  14. Choose appropriate tools to Monitor Progress
  15. Support the clients to use new Tools and Techniques
  16. Celebrate achieving goals
  17. Discover Coaching levels and its evaluating methods
  18. Apply Evaluating Learning Checklist
  19. Determine “Lessons learned”
  20. Plan and conduct a final speech
  21. End the Coaching Process
Training Basics (TB)

The program’s objectives, the training basics

  1. Design the training based on a learning strategy composed of seven essential steps.
  2. Use the four-phase learning cycle in design.
  3. Apply the sixteen-step design system model.
  4. Distinguish between training, education and development.
  5. Employ the effective speaking skills.
  6. Apply non-verbal communication principles.
  7. Improve voice and body language skills.
  8. Ask and answer questions appropriately.
  9. Handle wisely the learners’ problems and other cases.
  10. Deal with his tension and control it.
  11. Build familiarity with learners.
  12. Answer the learners’ questions professionally.
  13. Increase the learner’s self-confidence and self-appreciation.
  14. Create a fun learning environment.
  15. Perform the four steps of the training needs’ evaluation process.
  16. Verify the staff’s readiness to perform the self-evaluation.
  17. Distinguish the methods of studying the individuals and companies’ needs.
  18. Design training based on a learning strategy composed of seven essential steps.
  19. Apply the Accelerated Learning foundations in designing professional courses.
  20. Write the four-component learning objectives.
  21. Design pre- and post-course activities.
  22. Choose the most appropriate learning techniques.
  23. Distinguish between Kirkpatrick's four evaluation levels.
  24. Use more than twenty lists that help him in evaluation planning.
  25. Write the evaluation objective in its essential components.
  26. Establish the evaluation plan.
Market Yourself as a Trainer (MYT)

At the end of this training program, each trainer will be able to:

Necessary Basics

  1. Recognize factors which make the consultant a great person
  2. Discover the challenges the consultant will face
  3. Describe where he/she is when it comes to an emergency
  4. Discover the importance of planning and its steps


  1. Determine the consulting field to specialize in
  2. Recognize the most lucrative fields of consulting
  3. Determine the geographical areas to work in
  4. Decide how much he wants to make annually
  5. Recognize various types of available pricing structure
  6. Think about how to price in order to bring value to the work
  7. Prepare a pricing plan
  8. Recognize essential principles of planning
  9. Create a unique promotional mix
  10. Write marketing goals
  11. Apply SOWT
  12. Create a vision and mission as a consultant


  1. Build credibility as a consultant
  2. Answer the six questions about preparing for consulting services marketing
  3. Set up a multi-step plan for a marketing campaign
  4. Understand clients’ purchasing factors
  5. Understand the four elements the marketing materials should have
  6. Determine potential marketing consultancy services
  7. Understand the harm of not spending money on marketing strategies
  8. Understand three ways to increase consultancy sales
  9. Understand the critical things to offer an effective price
  10. Take advantage of social media in marketing
  11. Establish a bright personal brand online


  1. Create an important & distinctive strategic plan
  2. Determine the top ten time-wasting mistakes
  3. Understand the 4 strategies to avoid symptoms of consultancy building syndrome
  4. Apply physical health plan.
  5. Determine and work on opportunities
  6. Understand the five steps for dealing with customer challenges
  7. Prepare monthly and weekly calendar
  8. Improve own self-capabilities in weekly manner


What You Will Learn?

Click on the title to display the details.

Train of Trainers (TOT1)


How to create familiarity with learners.

Nine important tips to answer the learners’ questions professionally.

Five essential techniques for efficient listening.

How to motivate learners.

How to increase the learner’s confidence and self-appreciation.

Simple techniques to increase participation and cooperation.

How to motivate the participants to ask questions.

Establishing the small group activities.

Creating a fun learning environment.

More than twenty ice-breaking techniques.


Learning Process

The seven foundations of Accelerated Learning.

The four-phase natural learning cycle.

The seven principles of adult learning.

The seven-step learning strategy.

Attracting the learners’ attention using McClelland's theory.

What you need to know about learning objectives.

The four components of the objectives.

Guidelines to write the learning objectives.

Techniques to provide the benefits of the learner.

How to create the connectivity phase.

A simple technique to identify the course’s content.

More than thirty presentation techniques.

More than twenty exercising techniques.

Important advice to ensure good practice for the learner.

How to provide feedback for learners.

Important guidelines in providing summaries and reviews.


Trainer Leader

The basic characteristics of the course’s leader.

How to reduce tension and anxiety.

The learners’ styles according to VARK and how to deal with them.

Multiple input channels.

How to ask questions.

What to do if you do not know how to answer a question.

Leading the discussion in the classroom.

More than ten tips for managing class time.

More than ten professional techniques to start the course properly.



Important guidelines to build the speaker’s confidence.

The basic principles for speeches.

The non-verbal communication principles and how to benefit from them.

Nearly forty skills in speaking to learners.

The vocal diction components.

Techniques to improve your voice effect.

How to benefit from your voice speed and pauses.

Techniques to improve the effect of your body language.

How to use your appearance in front of learners.

Ten important pieces of advice for visual communication.


Important Training Issues

Excellent techniques for dealing with groups.

Using suggestions in learning.

Common problems that face new trainers and how to overcome them.

Using visual aids.

What you need to know about multimedia segments.

Tips to use flipcharts.

Using flyers and whiteboards.

How to create slides.

Train of Trainers - Advanced (TOT2)

Learning Process

How to connect the learner with learning before the beginning of the program.

The items that must be included in the learning contract.

16 classifications that help you write the learning objective professionally.

Twelve advanced techniques to deliver lectures smoothly.

The use of similes and metaphors in learning presentations.

The three components of the exercising phase.

Ten essential tips to enhance healthy competition in class.

Components of the integration phase.

Twelve basic points to enhance the use of the new skills at work.

How to help learners write a work plan to enhance learning.

Three steps to organize an influential conclusion.



The seven responsibilities of the moral speaker.

Changing your voice effect to enhance the meaning of your message.

Using gestures to enhance the message.



How you build exceptional familiarity with learners and maintain it.

Eight main reasons for the courses’ failure.

Four basic factors to motivate learners.

More than twenty techniques to help motivate learners.

The most important tips to prevent boredom in class.

How to create an environment full of fun.

Secrets to developing influential learning frameworks.

How to meet the learners’ needs professionally.

Create healthy discussions among learners.

How do breaks contribute to learning.


Trainer Leader

The learners’ styles according to Kolb and how to deal with them.

The secret of flexibility in meeting learning styles.

The most important strategies needed to strengthen and develop the learning style skills.

Twenty tips to deal with the instructor’s anxiety.

The most important factors in enhancing your credibility and professionalism.

The most important techniques to deal with fatigue.

Fifteen standards for self-assessment.


Important Training Issues

The four phases of group development.

How to read the groups.

The healthy signs of learning groups.

Creating activities that motivate small groups.

Determining the groups’ verbal behavior and how to deal with it.

Interpreting non-verbal expressions.

Negative behaviors by trainees.

How to manage the dialogue with the trainees.

Negotiation skills.

Three strategies for dealing with learners’ resistance.


Essential Skills in Instructional Design (TOD1)

Analysis Phase

Why use the Instructional System Design.

What is the difference between training, development and education?

A sixteen-step model for the Instructional System Design.

The front-end analysis techniques.

The most important standards in learners’ analysis.

How to design learning for different learners.

When training is the solution to meeting needs, and when it is not.

Two basic techniques to discover training needs.

Key questions necessary to identify the needs.

When to analyze the needs.

The forty restrictions in project planning.

Estimating the design time.

The important factors in the selection of tasks.

Questions to be asked when analyzing tasks.

The subject’s analysis.

Four basic analysis techniques.

Preparing the tasks’ list.

The errors in writing the tasks’ list.

How to arrange the tasks according to priorities.

Twenty-four tips that should be known while interviewing the SME’s.


Design Phase

The most important questions asked regarding objectives and their answers.

Eleven benefits of formulating the learning objectives professionally.

The four components of the learning objective.

How to write the learning objectives rapidly and easily.

Thirteen factors that should be present in the learning objective.

How to prepare a strong design, even if you are not an expert.

A seven-step learning strategy.

Identifying the learning steps.

When are the tests performed.

The tests’ types and conditions, planning for them and designing them.

Designing the pre- and post-session activities.


Development Phase

Identifying the learners’ activities.

More than one hundred learning techniques that you can use.

Ten standards that help you to choose the presentation techniques.

Ten standards that help you to choose the exercising techniques.

The three factors necessary in determining the assessment techniques.

The seven steps necessary for a smooth sequence in the content.

Instructions for the preparation of the lesson.

Organizing the course.

Preparing and coordinating the lesson plan.

Twenty items that should be present in the lesson plan.

Twelve tips necessary for the preparation of the course’s manual.

How to increase cooperation among the group members.

The five steps necessary to achieve in the course.

Ten tips for increasing the content application to the fullest extent possible.

Twelve tips necessary for the flyers.

The seven principles of Adult Learning.

How to increase the level of attention.


Implementation Phase

Developing a management plan for training.

Eleven items necessary for the management plan.

Ten tips to enhance healthy competition.

Managing training time effectively and efficiently.

Encouraging learners to participate in work and be involved with it.

Using the review and summarization technique while delivering the course.

Enhancing the capacity to virtually practice the new skills at work.

The difference between a trainer, instructor, coach and facilitator.

The seven foundations in Accelerated Learning.

Managing the group dynamics.

The three learning factors.


Evaluate Phase

How to evaluate learning.

Kirkpatrick's four evaluating levels.

Distinguishing between the four evaluation types and determining when to use them.

How to measure improvement in work performance.

More than sixty items in which evaluation should be included.

Checklists to verify the course.

Many models helping you in evaluation.


Advanced Skills in Instructional Design (TOD2)

Design Theories

The three parts of Merrill's component display theory.

Clark’s content-performance matrix.

Reigeluth’s Elaboration theory of descriptions and cognitive zoom principle.

The seven steps necessary in elaboration

How to prepare a strong design even if you were not an expert.

The four-phase natural learning cycle.


Design’s Steps and foundations

Designing learning experiences based on five basic design foundations.

The changing roles of new designers.

Designing the training in a professional and accelerated manner and through eight steps.

Including pleasure and joy using the learning frameworks.

More than one hundred learning techniques that you can use.

How to strongly connect the learner with learning, and before the beginning of the program.

Simple steps ensuring the important agreement on learning objectives by learners.

How to formulate cognitive learning objectives, in addition to values and skills-learning objectives.

How the benefits are the final and real target of the learner, and how to employ it.


Presentation Techniques

A seven-step learning strategy.

What is the “presentation”, when to use it and how to design it.

When to use behavior modeling, and how to design it in a way that ensures interaction among everybody.

How to choose the most efficient presentation technique for your lesson.

The accurate strategies and the presentation’s types.

What are the discussions, and when using them is effective.

Designing healthy discussion among learners.

More than seventy-five presentation techniques that you can use.

Designing more than ten types of efficient lectures.


Exercising techniques

Guidelines to design the “review” games and exercises.

Four techniques to design “role-playing”.

How to choose the most efficient exercising technique for your lesson.

Designing “simulation” exercises in standard conditions.

Five techniques to design the “case-studies”.

How to design interactive “case-studies” reflecting reality.

Guidelines to design learning games full of fun.

More than one hundred exercising techniques that can easily be used by the learner.

Designing “the exercises” in a simple manner ensuring the involvement of all learners.


Feedback and Summarization Techniques

The six components of the integration phase.

How to help the learner apply what he has learned after the program.

Who delivers the feedback? And when?

How to choose the most efficient feedback technique for your lesson.

Guidelines to choose the feedback sources.

The test’s conditions and planning for it.

The three basic types of tests.

Designing the written tests, multiple-choice tests, true/false tests and the open-ended questions tests.

The three critical factors in testing good performance.

Designing the “performance” checklist.

How to summarize and enhance the transfer to practice.


Professional Skills for Speakers (TOS1)

An Introduction to Public Speaking

Why studying public speaking.

The five most commonly used communication levels.

The eleven most important factors affecting the way the individual receives a message and understands it.

The most efficient and commonly used seven-factor communication model.

The three types of noise in the class, and dealing with them.

Eight skills needed for the trainer as a critical thinker.

The thirteen common problems that have been observed during the first courses.



The Ethics of Trainer

Defining the trainer’s ethics and their principles.

The moral speaker’s seven responsibilities.

The moral listener’s four responsibilities.

Four guidelines for clean legal use.

Five rules to avoid plagiarism.


Speaking Confidently

Twelve ways to build the speaker’s confidence.

Nine guidelines to reduce tension and anxiety.

Seven simple steps for the speech preparation process.

Fifty questions to help you prepare your first speech.


Analyzing Your Audience

The three necessary things that you need to focus on with your audience.

How to analyze the audience before, during and after training.

The seven basic characteristics of your audience that you must analyze.

The four elements that form your audience’s psychology.

How to meet the five needs of the audience.

How to deal with six special speaking cases.

Three things to be cautious of that provoke the sensitivities of the audience.

How to do analysis after speech.

Attract the audience by using seven sentences indicating their interests.

Nine techniques to motivate the learners.

Seventeen important tips to increase the learner’s confidence and self-appreciation.

Twenty-five tips to increase participation and cooperation.


Delivering Your Speech

The basic principles of speech.

The principles of non-verbal communication and how to benefit from them.

Four basic techniques for speech.

The components of vocal speech.

Techniques to improve your voice effect.

How to benefit from the speed of your voice and its pauses.

Techniques to improve the effect of your body language.

How to use your appearance in front of learners.

Ten important tips for visual communication.

Using your movements and gestures in a way that enhances your message.

Nearly thirty skills of speaking to learners.


Organizing the Body of Your Speech

Formulating the question organized for speech.

Dividing speech into main ideas.

Using the mnemonic division.

Nine techniques to provide pleasure in the class.

“4S,s Strategy” for developing the main ideas.

Four basic models of phrases to link the speech.

How to use the topical, chronological, spatial or causal division in speech.


Introducing and Concluding Your Speech

Arranging the five functions for an efficient introduction.

How to establish importance for your topic.

How to establish your credibility to speak on your topic.

Fifty ice-breaking techniques.

The three components of an effective conclusion.

Well-organized steps to plan speech.


Professional Skills for Speakers- Advanced (TOS2)

Building familiarity

More than ten challenges that face new trainers and how to succeed in dealing with them.

Eight main reasons for the courses’ failure.

Four main factors to motivate the learners.

More than twenty techniques to help motivate the learners.

The most important advice to overcome boredom in the classroom.

How to create an environment full of fun.


Listening & Hearing

Eleven features of listening and how to take advantage of them.

The six steps of the listening process.

Five obstacles to listening and how to overcome them easily.

Nine guidelines to improve listening.

How to present criticism in a professional manner.

The four guidelines needed for interaction and criticism.

Five basic skills for efficient listening.


Delivering Your Speech

Changing the voice effect in order to enhance the meaning of your message professionally.

Using gestures and movements to enhance your message.

Using the body in a highly professional manner.


Organizing speech, its beginning and conclusion

Formulating the question organized for speech in a highly professional manner.

Using the pro–con style.

How to use the technique of “the problem and its solution” in organizing speech.

Using the technique of “the need–plan”.

Seven techniques to attract the audience’s attention.

Organizing the conclusion in three influential steps.


The Strategy of Persuasion

Three types to influence others.

How to use the three-level pyramid of persuasion.

How to design persuasive speech that influences the audience’s positions.

How do you push the audience to change its behaviors.

Designing inspiring speech.

The six strategies for persuasive speech.

Three types of speaker credibility and how to build them.

Four strategies to show merit.

Four techniques to enhance the emotional appeal in persuasive speech.


The Structure of Persuasion

The three steps of an argument

The four-step strategy to refute the argument.

Five models for arguments: by using an example, analogy, cause, deduction, or authority.

The most common ten fallacies in arguments and how to avoid them.

How to choose propositions for persuasive speechs.

Three models for propositions: propositions for fact, value, and policy.

Monroe's five-step motivated sequence.


Important speech issues

Determining the verbal behavior of groups and how to deal with it.

Interpreting non-verbal expressions.

Negative styles from trainees.

How to manage the dialogue with trainees.

Negotiation skills.

Three strategies for dealing and resisting learners.


Consultant Skills for Trainers (TOC1)

Basic Introduction

3 factors that make the consultant a great person

4 challenges the consultant faces

How to determine the consulting field to specialize in?

Consultancy skills the consultant needs

How to evaluate your consultancy skills?

ITOT’s-5D Consulting Model

The ITOT Competency Model ™

Comparison between 5 consulting models

Who is the client?


Entry and Contract

How to build consulting credibility

How to build and sustain rapport with clients

Client & organization readiness standards

What pricing structure should be used


Needs Analysis

7 data collection standards

How to set up an exploratory meeting

5 guidelines to ask effective questions

How to reformulate & summarize the content


Feedback AND Decide

How to determine causes of client performance defects?

7 factors that affect work performance

7 techniques to check the accuracy of analysis

How to deal with sensitive information

25 signs of resistance & discomfort


Design and Implementation

How to effectively use teams to design solutions

4 steps to implement solutions

How to ask essential questions for final check?

7 steps to document recommendations

6 guidelines to present recommendations



How to prepare for a debriefing meeting

How to monitor progress in 7 steps

5 tools for consulting services evaluation

How to create a strategic plan that makes you important to clients and distinguishes you among competitors

Market Yourself as a Consultant (MYC)

Necessary Basics

3 factors that make the consultant a great person

4 challenges the consultant faces

What is most important for you?

Where are you when it comes to an emergency?

The importance of planning and its steps.

Models of corporations’ messages



How to determine the consulting field to specialize in?

The most lucrative fields of consulting

How to determine the geographical area?

How to determine consulting wages?

The essential factors that play a large role in determining daily wages.

What is the pricing structure one should use?

Justifying fees through value

How consultants can get very rich?


Marketing the provision of consultancy

Marketing Mix and promotional mix

Influencing factors in choosing a promotional mix

Promotion functions and goals

8 reasons to prepare the marketing plan

Essential elements of the marketing plan

SWOT Analysis

7 problems facing the marketing plan

How to write marketing goals?



4 points to build credibility.

6 questions to know how to prepare for consulting services marketing.

How to plan for multiple steps marketing campaign?

The four things that should be contained in the marketing materials.

The harm of not spending money on marketing strategies

Three ways to increase consultancy sales

8 critical things when it comes to offering an effective price

Small things that add a lot

How to deal with customer problems?

When and how to get rid of clients?

The power and impact of progress reports

How to deal with consultancy organizations?

How to build a bright personal brand online?



How to create an important & distinctive strategic plan?

Top ten time-wasting mistakes

4 strategies to avoid symptoms of consultancy building syndrome

How to determine and work on opportunities?

5 steps for dealing with challenges with customers

How to prepare a monthly and weekly calendar?

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)


What an analyst of training needs should do.

The three essential administrative issues that should be taken into consideration before the start of the process.

Five types of training needs’ analysis.

Eleven reasons that make us carry out the training needs’ analysis.

The four steps of the training needs’ analysis process.

Eleven lists that help you to identify the dimensions of your task in the needs analysis.

Eight forms for the essential components’ structure in the training needs’ analysis process.

Eight important tips for succeeding in the process.

Nine points to verify the readiness of the staff to conduct self-assessment.


To Collect Statements

How to look for people with extensive ties throughout the company.

Thirty two motives for the change process launchers.

Tools can help you find variations rapidly and easily.

Eleven possible sources to get information on work assignments.

Techniques to study the needs of individuals and institutions.

How to conduct interviews.

How to plan for surveys and conduct them.

Ten procedures to manage discussion among colleagues using the skills statement form.

Important tips to ensure a high rate of return on investment.

Many ready-made models for the identification of training needs in administrative development.


Performance Analysis

How to determine performance problems and opportunities.

The factors affecting performance at work.

How to verify the causes of the performance problems

How to distinguish between the performance problems that require training and others that are not solved by training.

How to isolate training problems from other problems.

Checklists to analyze training needs.


Process’s Results

How to analyze the economic feasibility.

Many techniques to calculate the training cost and its return.

How to write the final report.

How to deal with tight deadlines.

What to do in case of limited budget and staff.

What to do in case of sufficient budget and staff.

How Adults Learn (AD)


Lindeman’s five key assumptions about adult learners.

How the pedagogic model places full responsibility on the teacher’s shoulders.

Rogers’ guidelines to help the adult facilitator in the course of his duty.

The five key assumptions of the pedagogic model.

The five key assumptions of the andragogy model.

The three-dimensional model developed by Knowles, Holton and Swanson.

The quintet matrix to diagnose performance problems.


Practical Applications

The eight phases necessary to prepare the learning contract.

The competencies the adult facilitator must possess.

Implementing a questionnaire by the adult’s self-learning style.

Implementing the model for teachers / trainers.

Submitting solutions to the twelve training problems that face beginner trainers.

Using a model to develop the effectiveness of the staff at work and in new environments.


Adult Learning Principles

Increasing the practice of content to the fullest extent possible.

Increasing the attention span.

Establishing cohesion among the group members.

Enhancing healthy competition.

Presenting the aimed feedback.

Taking into consideration individual needs.

Motivating learners.

Encouraging learners to participate and be engaged at work.

Encouraging fun and a passion for work.


Adult Facilitator

The session leader’s characteristics.

Distinguishing the learners’ learning styles.

Choosing your style and modifying it.

Implementing nearly twenty tips to handle anxiety.

How to maintain your energy with learners.

Training Evaluation (TE)

Basics of Evaluation

Kirkpatrick's four evaluation levels.

Who is responsible for the training evaluation.

Detailed procedures for training evaluation.

More than twenty lists that help in training evaluation.

Six guidelines addressed to you during the tests’ evaluation.

How to push the administration to participate in taking responsibility for the evaluation.

Twelve forms that help you in training evaluation.

How to verify the statements’ validity and accuracy.

How to determine the base performance and the expected performance.

The essential components of the evaluation’s objective.

How to establish the evaluation plan.


Design the Evaluation and Develop it

More than 25 techniques for evaluation.

Seven guidelines to create an evaluation related to the group learning.

How to design means to evaluate the return on investment.

The tangible and intangible evidence of the employee’s improved performance and its impact on the institution.

Method to survey influence, climate memos and critical incidents.

How to design the application evaluation means.

Nine techniques in the application evaluation.

How to design the learning evaluation means.

Factors that affect the evaluation process during training.

Testing the performance level measurement and the prior and final knowledge level measurement.

How to design the reaction evaluation means.

How to choose the evaluation means corresponding to the situation.

How to perform evaluation via the Internet.

What are the alternative means for reaction evaluation.


Implement Evaluation

Ten important tips for the evaluation documentation.

Where to do the process of statement collection and how.

Nine necessary basics when you need a staff evaluation.

The necessary items when evaluating the course by the trainees.

Eleven items you need when evaluating the training materials.

Six necessary items when performing a practical test for the course.


Evaluate the Evaluation and Analyze it

How to analyze the tangible and intangible evaluation statements.

Methods to isolate variations from the rest of the variations.

How to calculate the return on investment.

How to analyze the application statements.

How to analyze the learning statements.

How to analyze the reaction statement.

Options to evaluate training and fix it.

The essential contents of the evaluation report.

How to write a detailed evaluation report convincingly.

The trainer’s total responsibilities in addition to the training evaluation.

Coaching Skills for Professional Trainers (TOCo1)


Where is Coaching in the System

Coaching Map in 4 Steps & Activities for each step

Coaching Definitions, Roles & Dimensions

Elements of Intentional Coaching

How to Create a Coaching Plan for Self-Development?


Communicating Effectively

What Supports Effective Communication

What is Dialogue?

Coaching Model in 4 Steps

Self-Evaluation for Listening

4 Dialogue Tools for Paving the Way


Connect with the Client

15 guidelines for building credibility

What are the ethics of coaching

Discover how to assess readiness

Use a Tool to Predict Organizational Change Readiness

How to Develop and Sustain Rapport

How to draft Coaching Agreements


Assemble Plans

How to Evaluate Coaching Needs?

Most Important Data Collection Methods in a Comprehensive Table

How to choose the Best Method to Collect Data

How to Design & Take Actions

The Coach as a Guide

Coach as a Motivator

Use Process-Steps Worksheet

Coach as a Teacher


Continue and Support Progression

How to Help the Client who is Stuck

Discovering Barriers & Strategies to help the Client who is Stuck

How to Monitor Client Progress?

Three Tools to Track the Progress


Have Results Shared

Discovering Coaching Levels Evaluation and Methods

How to Evaluate Coaching Provision Services

What is the Continuous Improvement Process

How to create “Lessons Learned” Work-Sheet

Applying Final Conversation Check List

Coach as a Monitor

Training Basics (TB)


The difference between training, development and education.

A sixteen-step model for the Instructional System Design.

Why the Instructional System Design.

Analysis of the front end.


Training Techniques

Instructions for building the speaker’s confidence.

The essential principles of speech.

The non-verbal communication principles and how to benefit from them.

Nearly forty skills for speaking to learners.

Techniques to improve your voice effect.

How do you benefit from your voice speed and pauses.

Techniques to improve the effect of body language.

How to use your appearance in front of learners.

Ten important tips for visual communication.



How you build familiarity with learners.

Nine important tips to answer the learners’ questions professionally.

Five techniques for efficient listening.

How to motivate learners.

How you increase the learner’s self-confidence and self-appreciation.

Simple techniques to increase participation and cooperation.

How to encourage participants to ask questions.

Establish small group activities.

Create a fun learning environment.

More than twenty ice-breaking techniques.

The seven principles of Accelerated Learning.

The four-phase natural learning cycle.


Needs Analysis

Eleven reasons driving us to perform an analysis process for training needs.

The four steps of the training needs’ analysis process.

Eleven lists helping you to know your task’s dimensions in the needs’ analysis process.

Eight important tips to succeed in the needs’ identification process.

Eight forms for the essential components structure in the needs’ analysis process.

Eight important tips to succeed in the needs’ analysis process.

Nine points to verify the staff’s readiness to perform the self-evaluation.

Techniques to study the individuals and companies’ needs.

Many ready-made models in order to determine the training needs in administrative development.


Training Design

The most important questions asked regarding objectives and their answers.

Eleven benefits of formulating the learning objectives professionally.

The four components of the learning objective.

Learning strategy composed of seven steps.

The tests’ types and conditions, planning for them and designing them.

Designing the pre- and post-course activities.

Ten standards that help you choose presentation techniques.

Ten standards that help you choose exercising techniques.


Training Evaluation

Kirkpatrick's four training evaluation levels.

Who is responsible for training evaluation.

Detailed procedures for training evaluation.

The three factors necessary for determining the evaluation techniques.

More than twenty lists that help you in the evaluation planning.

Six instructions addressed to you during the tests’ evaluation.

How to push the administration to participate in taking responsibility for the evaluation.

Twelve forms to help you in the training evaluation.

How to verify the statements’ accuracy and credibility.

How to identify the base performance and the expected performance.

The essential components of the evaluation objective.

How to establish the evaluation plan.

Market Yourself as a Trainer (MYT)


The importance of planning and its steps.

What is most important to you?

The time matrix.

The important tips to enter the public training market.

The tools of entering the companies’ training market.

Marketing the training and the promotional mix.

SOWT and the market analysis.

The three essential factors for the trainer’s success.

How to build your brand.



Creating your vision and mission as a trainer.

Determining the field in which you will train.

Determining the training course or courses that you will deliver.

Determining the geographical zone in which you want to spread.

How to enter the companies’ training world.

Determining your training fees.

Writing your marketing objectives.

How to promote yourself before, during and after the course.

Establishing the marketing plan for the three coming years.



Establishing a policy for the relationship with trainees.

Building your credibility as a trainer (before, during and after the course).

The training contracts’ components.

The exclusive training contracts: their types, features and disadvantages.

Dealing with the training companies.

The benefits of free or associative training, and its disadvantages.

How to take advantage of social communication networks in marketing.

How to create and document a training history that befits you.

How to contribute to increasing the knowledge content of the training industry from the articles and videos on the Internet.

The certifications and certificates, including their pros and cons.



Conducting the monthly and weekly evaluation.

Modifying the plan based on the evaluation results.

Reviewing the continuous development planning so that you stay in the market.

How to build yourself weekly.

Upcoming events

No Scheduled events in this time